walfrey's works

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Micro/Flash Fiction

1) Summer Loving by Phil Gardner.

This is a micro fiction and mainly the theme is the love between two people.
It takes place on a warm summer day in the meadows. The main storyline basically displays a man, who reminisces about the good times he and his lover have experienced together, such as taking a dip in the pool last week, the funny hair cut his lover had in the spring and the matching coats they wore in the winter. A literary element used in this micro fiction is symbolization. “The sky blue, the sun shinning” signifies a happy and blissful atmosphere between the two lovers. It also seems as if the the man has somewhat of a low level of happiness and also very appreciative. It seems to be this way because he finds value in little things such as getting funny hair cuts. Because this man can cherish a moment so simple, it also shows that his personality exudes a sense of appreciation to many things around him.

2) Spring Peep Show by Pamela Gay.

This is another micro fiction. The main setting is outside in front of a woman's yard in the spring. The theme behind this micro fiction is clearly described within the title "spring peep show." The theme is basically exposing skin in the spring because it is hot outside. The characters in this story are the boys on the bus and the girl on the front lawn laying down in her bikini. I think this particular story was rather vulgar. It spoke of a woman in bikini with such extreme descriptions, such as "a woman's crotch sealed in black like fresh tar on a driveway." The main storyline is a bus filled with boys inside stop in front of a woman's yard. It so happens that the woman who lived there was outside laying in her front lawn in her bikini. The boys find tremendous satisfaction and entertainment by watching the woman in her bikini. Comparable to reality, many boys do get wound up when they see a beautiful woman in her bikini.

3) Idiot Love by Craig.

This is another micro fiction. There is really no specific setting in this story. It was a vague reflection about an affair between two people. The man reminisces about his affair with her. He enjoys the time he spent with her. However he does not understand why many woman find anything interesting about him. He sees himself as someone who is not out of the ordinary. Nevertheless he uses this unknown feature that he has to attract woman. Specifically, the woman he spoke about was someone tall, beautiful and strong. Maria was her name. They make a pact not to tell anyone of their love or affair. But in the end they lose touch of each other and he says "Why do I always pick the loveless ones? Because they're beautiful you moron." Personally I think this man portrayed in this story is confused and mentally disturbed because he can only engage in affairs and not find a real love.

3) Night Falls by Ben Marroquin.

The setting of this micro fiction takes place at night. It is about a family facing the horrors of the night filtered by their imagination. The mother who supposedly sees a creature outside their house. The full moon is out and the family is terrified of what the mother had seen. Throughout the whole story the true identity of the creature was never revealed and only left the identity of the creature to figures of imaginations. I thought this particular micro fiction was boring and corny. I didn't really like it. This micro fiction basically reveals that in the night our imaginations heighten and we react to these imaginations which such extreme and scandalous behavior.

Monday, April 23, 2007

My poem (a line inspired by Eamon Grennan)

She sings alone in front of the lot of us-(inspired by Eamon Grennan)
Such a power and confidence exudes from her voice.
Wonders of beauty flows through the room,
as her soothing voice flutters in the air.
Love at first sight burst in the air,
as a man in awe is hypnotized by her voice.
The chorus commences and all are enthralled.
Climax is reached in the last verse of the song.
Like a bungee jump into a cliff,
people grasp for breathe.
Thrilling and breath-taking,
the song soon comes to an end.
She satisfies the audience in the end,
with a long powerful note.
Smooth and captivating, the voice resounds.
The song ends, tears of joy burst in the atmosphere.
Gorgeous voice exposed, people astounded.